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Shakespeare Projects

Mach Spaß mit Shakespeare!

Are you a teacher looking for a way to get your students excited about their English course?

Do you have an audition coming up and need help with a monologue?
Just want to play with Shakespeare's stories and characters?
Then get in touch!

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 Falling Sparrow founder Charlie Dupré is a playwright, actor and spoken word artist from London. His solo show, 'The Stories of Shakey P'  re-imagined the Bard as a playground battle rapper, and premiered at the Edinburgh Festival in 2012, before showings at the Arcola, the Roundhouse, Trafalgar Studios and the RSC. In 2016 he won the Rising Star Award at the Let's All Be Free Film Festival for his Arts Council-funded short film, 'Faustus: Remixed', and the following year, his first ensemble play, 'Macblair' was one of The Scotsman’s Top 6 hot picks for political shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2017. In 2019, it's sequel, 'Boris Rex'  was nominated for an Off-Westend Award during its run at the Tristan Bates Theatre, London. His most recent play, 'Compositor E' - about the creation of Shakespeare's First Folio - was published by Methuen Drama in 2023 alongside a production at Omnibus Theatre in London.

What are the options?

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School projects

This is the ultimate in-practice training, suitable for school groups Year 8 and upwards, or adults. We begin each workshop with some Shakespeare-themed games and activities, followed by a short devising challenge, before we get into some juicy scenes and soliloquies. â€‹


Workshops can range from one full day to an entire week. Each programme culminates in a sharing, or if possible, a full production! 


A 1-2-day project consists of the following:

·  Shakespeare-themed warm-up games.

·  Rhyming couplets: An exercise for language and rhythm

·  Shakespearean insult battle!

·  Storytime followed by Rapid Recap: plot presentations of a chosen Shakespeare text

·  3-min text: A look at a short edit of the original text, followed by group stagings.

·  A devised re-telling of the text rehearsed and prepared for a final performance in front of an audience.


A 3-day project consists of the following, in addition to the above:

·  'Things We Say Today': Devising with Shakespeare phrases that are still in use in the English Language: An activity for themes and insights

·  Scene Workshop: an in depth rehearsal of a duologue from the original text of the chosen play.


A 4-5-day project consists of the following; in addition to the above:

·  Casting a short version of a Shakespeare play using an abridged version of the original text.

·  Production of the text rehearsed and prepared for a final performance in front of an audience.


Für ein Angebot, schreiben Sir mir bitte eine Mail mit folgenden Einzelheiten:

  • Wieviele Tage soll das Projekt laufen? Wie sind die Schulzeiten?

  • Wieviele Studenten werden teilnehmen? Haben die schon Erfahrung mit Shakespeare oder wäre das Projekt ihre erste Einführung?

  • Haben Sie bereits einen bevorzugten Text im Kopf, oder sollte ich einen selber auswählen?​​



One-to-one coaching

Perhaps you are an actor needing specialised focus on a particular text or character.

Or perhaps your son or daughter would like a more dynamic introduction to the world of Shakespeare.

​All is possible in these individual sessions, tailored to your needs, either online or in person. Drop us a message for a free consultation!



We also offer online sessions for groups of 3-6, in which we read a Shakespeare play, stopping scene by scene to discuss language, character and content in forensic detail.


Perfect for a group of friends, students, colleagues or actors, who want to go deeper with their understanding Shakespeare or just to connect over a satisfying shared project.



Mit Witz, Charme und viel Feingefühl schafft Charlie in der Klasse eine wunderbare Atmosphäre, in der selbst der coolste und der schüchternste Schüler Funken fängt. Und gleichzeitig haucht ihnen Charlie in seiner erfrischenden Echtheit eine Ahnung davon ein, wieviel Freude das Spiel mit Sprache, mit Wörtern und Rhythmus machen kann. Sie sind in der Tat begeistert und sie wollen immer noch spielen!'

- S. Lenner, Maria-Theresa Gymnasium, München 

'Charlie hat es in außergewohnlicher Weise verstanden, die Schülerinnen und Schüler fur die Projektarbeit zu begeistern. Seine motivierende, anregende, die Interessen jedes Einzelnen berücksichtigende Umgang mit den Teilnehmern wurde besonders geschätzt.'

- W. Halfmann, Oberstufenleiter, IGS Kastellaun

No matter what I write, it won't be enough to express my deep gratitude for what Charlie's Shakespeare class has given to my daughter. During a time of uncertainty and social isolation, the bright spot in my daughter's week is Charlie's class. My daughter's love for Shakespeare, as well as her ability to read and analyze complex text, have grown tremendously. Charlie has an incredible talent for inspiring and relating to kids. His classes are truly such a blessing!

Diana David, Ohio


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